Tips to Reduce the Frequency At Which Your Septic System Will Need Pump-Out Service

If you rely on a septic system to treat the raw sewage and wastewater that exits your home via the drainpipes, proper care of your septic tank is critical to ensuring effective treatment of the effluent from the home. Septic tanks require periodic pump-outs to remove the solids that collect in the tank over time. So, why is it important to pump out the build-up? Well, because the accumulation of broken-down solids (sludge) will reduce the tank's storage capacity, meaning that the tank will have less capacity to hold more sewage and wastewater coming from the home.

While all septic tanks will need to be pumped out at some point, there are ways to prolong the time it takes before a pump-out is required. Reducing the frequency of septic tank pump-outs helps to minimise downtime for domestic plumbing and save money. 

Follow these tips to increase the amount of time that elapses before your septic system will need a tank pump-out:

Be conscious of what you flush down your drains.

The fact that the water and sewerage department of your municipal council does not dictate how you should use and maintain your domestic plumbing doesn't mean you should flush waste of all sorts down your drains. Kitchen and toilet drains are usually most vulnerable in this regard, so you should take all precautions needed to keep your drains flowing smoothly.  

Remove food scraps from dirty dishes before having them cleaned. Those tiny bits of food forced down the kitchen drains everyday will contribute to increased solid accumulation in your septic tank. As for your toilet drains, don't let anything other than human excreta and toilet paper to go down with the water that you flush. 

For your septic system's sake, don't install that garbage disposal. 

Installed in the kitchen, typically below the kitchen sink, a garbage disposal is used to shred food waste into small bits so that the waste can pass through drainpipes easily, thus preventing clogging. But where will all the small pieces of food end up if you use a septic system? In your septic tank, of course.

Septic systems aren't designed to handle frequent disposal of food waste. Try composting or enlisting the services of a rubbish removal company to dispose of your food waste. This will minimise the frequency of pump-outs that your system requires!

With the above tips, you should be able to save both time and money spent pumping out your septic system. But when it is time to pump out your system, make sure the job is done professionally.
